Dr. Adanay Isabel Morey López | Ophthalmologist.
Membership number: 52023


First Degree Specialist in Ophthalmology 2002 – 2006
University Teaching Hospital Faustino Pérez, Matanzas, Cuba

First Degree Specialist in General Comprehensive Medicine 1997 – 2001
Hospital Universitario Docente Faustino Pérez, Matanzas, Cuba

Degree in Medicine and Surgery 1987 – 1993
Higher Institute of Medical Sciences, Havana, Cuba.


Workshop: Early Diagnosis of Glaucoma June 2011 Faustino Pérez Hospital, Matanzas, Cuba.

Course: Interpretation of the Automated Visual Field December 2009 Retinitis Pigmentosa Provincial Centre, Matanzas, Cuba.

Onco Ophthalmology Course, update December 2009 Retinitis Pigmentosa Provincial Centre, Matanzas, Cuba.

Updating and Handling of Phacoemulsification machines June 2008 ICO Pando Ferrer, Havana, Cuba.

Training in Phacoemulsification June – November 2007 ICO Pando Ferrer, Havana, Cuba.


Master in Satisfactory Longevity: System of Educational Activities for the Early Diagnosis of Cataract in the Elderly June 2012 Hospital Faustino Pérez, Matanzas, Cuba.


June – July 2015 Coloboma de Cristalino. A propósito de un caso. Electronic Medical Journal Vol. 37 No (3) (20015)

May – June 2012 Trauma Ocular con Cuerpo Extraño en Cristalino. Electronic Medical Journal Vol. 34 No  (3) ISSN 1684-1824

May – June 2009 Comportamiento visual y del astigmatismo corneal inducido en pacientes operados de catarata por técnica de Blumenthal. Electronic Medical Journal  Vol. 31 No  (3) ISSN 1684-1824