What are floating bodies or flies?
Floaters (myodesopsia) are small spots in the form of threads, dots or even spider webs that many people see moving in their field of vision, especially when looking at a background with strong contrasts such as blank pages, clear skies, etc.
Floaters are the result of opacities that form in the vitreous humour, the jelly-like body that fills the eyeball, and which cast their shadow on the retina when light passes through.
They are normally a natural consequence of the ageing of this vitreous body, which loses water and decreases in volume. As a result, the vitreous proteins that have lost water condense and become less transparent. Although these spots appear to be in front of the eye, they actually float inside the eye.
– Detachment of the posterior vitreous
– Ageing of the vitreous humour
– Myopia
– Diabetes
Can It be prevented?
Floaters cannot be prevented. What can and should be detected are the possible complications associated with them. It is therefore important to see an ophthalmologist if you notice their sudden appearance, if they are accompanied by flashes of light (photopsias) and/or if you notice a loss of vision in any region of the visual field.
A fundus examination should be carried out if new floating spots are observed..
The appearance of new floating spots indicates that there has been a new collapse in the structure of the vitreous gel, which can cause traction on the retinal wall and lead to tears. In the event of a retinal tear, if it is not noticed, it can be complicated by the formation of a retinal detachment. It is extremely important to see an ophthalmologist to check the back of the eye if you notice new floating spots or flashes of light.
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