Dr. María José Romero Rodríguez  | Ophthalmologist
Membership number: 41156

Graduated in Medicine from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona in July 2003 with 30% honours. She finished her studies in the United States (Rush Presbytarian St. Luke’s Medical Center, University of Illinois at Chicago Hospitals, West Side Veterans Hospital, New York Presbyterian Hospital and Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center) and in France (Faculté Lariboisière Saint-Louis, Université Paris VII). Finally he validated his Medical Degree in the United States (ECFMG Certified), and obtained the Suficiencia Investigadora in 2009 at the Postgraduate School of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.

He began his training in Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology, finally deciding to enter the world of Ophthalmology due to his interest in microsurgery, thus completing his speciality at the Hospital Universitario Mutua de Terrassa.

Due to his admiration for microsurgery associated with the musculoskeletal system, he decided to broaden his training in Oculoplastic, lacrimal and orbital surgery.

Postgraduate degree in Facial Aesthetic and Anti-ageing Medicine from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.

Attendance at numerous congresses, courses and training stays in Spain and abroad. To highlight some of them:

2003 Curso práctico de abordaje quirúrgico y técnicas de sutura. Rush Presbytarian St Luke’s Medical Center, Chicago, Illinois. USA

2007 Curso de Microcirugía. Consorci Sanitari de Parc Taulí, Sabadell, Barcelona.

2009 Estancia formativa en Cirugía Oculoplástica, de la vía lagrimal y Orbitaria in the prestigious Wills Eye Institute. Universidad Thomas Jefferson, Filadelfia, USA.

2012 Estancia formativa en Cirugía Oculoplástica, de la vía lagrimal y Orbitaria at the Hospital Clínic in Barcelona.

2013 Atelier Práctico Orbito-Palpebral. Live Surgery Day. Paris.

2013 I Videosimposium sobre Cirugía Oculoplástica. Oculoplastics Step by Step. Madrid.

2013 Módulo de Cirugía Orbitaria, lagrimal y oculoplástica. European School of Advanced Studies (ESASO). Malta.

2017 Estancia formativa teórico-práctica sobre Voluminización Facial. Barcelona

2017 III Curso de Anatomía Quirúrgica de la Órbita. Barcelona.

2017 II Curso de Medicina Estética de la Sociedad Española de Cirugía Plástica Facial. Madrid.

2018 I Curso Práctico de Lipofilling Facial. Spanish Society of Facial Plastic Surgery. Cordoba

2022 Surgical Anatomy of the orbit. Nova Medical School. Lisboa.

He works at Hospital Quirónsalud del Vallès and in private sector clinics.

He is a member of the Spanish Society of Ocular and Orbital Plastic Surgery, the Catalan Society of Ophthalmology and the Spanish Society of Facial Plastic Surgery.

He has written numerous publications specialising in ophthalmology and has participated in several research groups.


1. Romero MJ, Saint-Gerons M. Síndrome neuropsiquiàtric com manifestació inicial de la malaltia de Whipple IX Ophthalmological Meetings of Catalonia, Tortosa. June 2011.

2. Romero MJ, Saint-Gerons Giant Arteriovenous malformation and Horner Syndrome: A case report. 10th European Neuro-Ophthalmology Society Meeting, Barcelona. May 2011.

3. Romero MJ, Arcediano M. Orbitotomia lateral. Nuestra experiencia en la Mútua de Terrassa. 41th Catalan Society of Ophthalmology Conference. Nov 2010.

4. Romero MJ, Arcediano M. Exoftàlmia pulsativa com a forma de presentació d’un meningoencefalocele orbitari. 41th Catalan Society of Ophthalmology Conference. Nov 2010.

5. Arcediano M, Romero MJ. L’ ABC dels tumors orbitaris. 41th Catalan Society of Ophthalmology Conference. Nov 2010.

6. Romero MJ, Salvador A. DSAEK vs QPP. 1st DSAEK Direct Surgery Course. Mútua de Terrassa University Hospital..

7. Romero MJ, Mousavi K, Casado J. Metástasis coroidea como primera manifestación de adenocarcinoma pulmonar. 85th Congress of the Spanish Society of Ophthalmology. Sep 2009.

8. Romero MJ, Mousavi K, Casado J. Moreno S. Desgarro del epitelio pigmentario de la retina bilateral en el tratamiento de DMAE exudativa con Ranibizumab. 85th Congress of the Spanish Society of Ophthalmology. Sep 2009.

9. Salvador A, Sassot I, Romero MJ. DSAEK con Cucharilla. SECOIR. March 2008.

10. Romero MJ, Salvador A. Estudi sobre l’impacte de la cefuroxima intracameral com a mesura profilàctica postquirúrgica en la cirurgia de cataractes. 39th Congress of the Catalan Society of Ophthalmology. Nov 2008.

11. Romero MJ, Matamala A. Avaluació de l’infecció protèsica at the Hospital Mútua de Terrassa. SCCOT, XXI Congress of the Catalan Society of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology. May 2007.

12. Romero MJ, Asunción J, Ferrer H. Artrodesis total de l’articulació de Lisfranc. SCCOT, XX Congress of the Catalan Society of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology. May 2006.


1.- Vilaseca M, Romero MJ, Arjona M, Luque S, Ondategui J, Salvador A, Güell J, Artal P, Pujol J. Grading Nuclear, cortical and posterior subcapsular cataract using an objective scatter index measured with a double-pass system. British Journal of Ophthalmology. 2012;96:1204-1210 , Septembre 2012.

2.- Romero MJ, Saint-Gerons Giant Arteriovenous malformation and Horner Syndrome: A case report. Neurophthalmology, May 2011.

3.- Pujol J, Vilaseca M, Salvador A, Romero MJ, Perez G, Issolio L, Artal P. Cataract evaluation with an objective Scattering Index based on double-pass image analysis. ARVO, USA. May 2009.

4.- Benito A, Vilaseca M, Miraber S, Pérez GM, Romero MJ, Pujol J, Marín JM, Güell JL, Artal P. Evaluating Tear Film Quality in Normal And Midly Symptomatic Dry Eyes With A Double-pass Method. ARVO, USA. May 2009.

5.- Mousavi K, Romero MJ, Amselem L. Tratamientos físicos (Terapia fotodinámica, fotocoagulación laser, termoterapia transpupilar) en el tratamiento de la DMAE. Annals d’Oftalmologia. Nov 2009.